FREE House/Flat/Rooms Worksheets

It is good to be able to talk about where you live and this section can help you decide what you would like to include in your ESL lesson about this topic. With 271 worksheets on this topic alone, you are sure to find something your students will enjoy or at least some inspiration. This house worksheet allows students to practice two main things: prepositions of place and there is/are. This should be a short exercise to give students some practice working with the material on their own. Check the answers as a class and review points that students struggled with before moving on to more practice or production exercises. If you do decide to create a worksheet of your own after all, take a moment to upload it so that other teachers can learn from you.
After teaching basic house related vocabulary, this topic can come up throughout an ESL course. Talking about the arrangement of furniture and other items in a room is perfect for practicing prepositions of place while talking about living in the countryside and the city makes for an excellent comparison lesson. Students can practice giving opinions on whether a house or an apartment is better too. Regardless of how you incorporate this into your course, students should learn some common house related vocabulary words early on.