Programs and Services

Welcome! The Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) and the statewide network of 19 Area Agencies on Aging assist older Marylanders with a range of services and sources of information. MDOA administers state and federal programs, many of which are significantly lower in cost than nursing home placement. Choose a program listed to the left and click on its name to obtain helpful information. The list below includes a brief description of each MDOA program.

Information and Empowerment

Elder Abuse Prevention

Educates older adults and their caregivers about the various forms of abuse, how to prevent abuse, and what to do if someone becomes a victim of a crime.

Elder Financial Exploitation

Provides information about the financial exploitation of older and vulnerable adults, including how to educate seniors and caregivers about financial abuse prevention.

Elder Scams and Fraud Prevention​

Learn the top scams targeting older adults, how to prevent scams and fraud, know the signs and risk factors, and how to report scams and fraud.

Maryland Access Point (MAP) Information and Assistance Program

Offers information, referral, assistance, and options counseling for older adults, individuals with disabilities, caregivers, and families who need telephone numbers, help with learning about aging services in the community, and scheduling options counseling for long term services.

Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Reuse Program (DME)

Provides free durable medical equipment to Marylanders of all ages and abilities. Donations are accepted. All equipment is sanitized, repaired, and re-distributed with the highest standards with regards to safety.

Maryland Senior Call Check Program (SCC)

Receive a daily automated call to verify your well-being, at a time scheduled at your convenience. Registration is free to Maryland residents 65 years of age and older.​

Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

Increases Medicare beneficiary awareness of health insurance misuse and fraud. Educates beneficiaries how to protect Medicare and other health cards from fraudulent activities. Uses trained volunteers to accomplish program goals.

State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

Provides unbiased confidential counseling and assistance for older adults on Medicare and support with health insurance options, including savings of out of pocket costs for Medicare, health insurance and prescriptions. Uses trained volunteers to accomplish goals.

Community Wellness, Nutrition, and Activities

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Promotes health and wellness through exercise, chronic disease self-management, and classes to improve health practices.

Nutrition and Meal Services

Provides home delivered meals, meals in community settings, and nutritional counseling for older adults.

Senior Center Services

Community hubs (in-person and virtual) for gathering, exercise, nutrition, games, hobbies, health promotion activities, education, and Medicare counseling, providing a vital link for older adults to take charge of their health and stay involved in their communities.

Telecommunications and Socialization Resources​​

Get connected to the community virtually with resources to help access and use the Internet, programs and resources to socially engage and reduce social isolation, and platforms to manage mental and behavioral health through telehealth usage.

Long Term Services and Supports

Congregate Housing Services Program

Offers help with activities of daily living in apartment buildings of low and moderate income older residents.​

Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC)

The Department regulates CCRCs, which offer older adults various levels of housing and care without leaving the community campus as health needs change over time.

National Family Caregiver Support Program

Information, referral, counseling and respite services for caregivers of older adults and grandparents raising grandchildren.

Senior Assisted ​Living Subsidy Program (SALS) ​​

A monthly subsidy for residents of licensed assisted living facilities who meet the eligibility criteria.

Senior Care Services

Provides coordinated, community-based, in-home services, equipment, and medical supplies to maintain independent community living for those who meet the eligibility criteria.

Elder Rights Protections

Ombudsman Advocacy for Residents of Assisted Living and Nursing Homes

Long-Term Care Ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Information, resources, and how to contact your local Ombudsman can be found at Pages/state-long-term-care- ombudsman.aspx.

Public Guardianship Services

Protection and advocacy for older adults deemed by a court of law that lack the capacity to make responsible decisions concerning their daily living needs.

Senior Legal Assistance

Information and access to legal advice, counseling, and representation for protecting rights, resolving consumer issues, including evictions.